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2021 Spring Sale Results

2021 is another year that will be well etched in our memories. Full Covid lockdown for our 46th bull sale, masks, social distancing, no handshakes, and hello with the touch of an elbow!! The Weeran Team didn’t know what to expect. The bull inspection day had been cancelled, but the Moore family were relieved they were able to proceed with their annual on property bull sale. What a day it was . . . Weeran Angus celebrated a record sale with a total clearance of 58 bulls topping at an equal record price of $30,000 and a new record average of $12,551. “We were truly humbled by the fantastic support of our loyal repeat clients and also appreciated new clients joining our program”, said Principal Alec Moore. What a time to be in agriculture. The historical highs we are seeing in the cattle industry is exciting to be part of. Alec Moore said ‘if you didn’t want to breed cattle now, you never would’.

It’s fantastic to see repeat clients reinvesting in their herds with top quality genetics. We are working hard to improve our program every year, and we are thrilled with the progeny the Weeran Team are producing.

Elite Livestock Auctions were once again part of the sale, having been introduced during Covid last Spring. It is a platform that is here to stay and gives a great opportunity for those who are unable to travel to the sale, to be part of the action. There were 33 individual lots that attracted bids on line with 14.5% of the bulls being sold on line. 160+ viewers were watching the Weeran sale on line. It’s a very exciting new component of the Seedstock industry.

The top price of $30,000 was paid for Lot 4 VHWQ196 who had been a standout from day one. Lachie McKenzie and Scott Goodwin attended the sale to purchase him in partnership with David and Rose Merrim, Freshwater Creek, and Bryan and Sam Hayden, Buchan Station, Buchan. Q196, by Wattletop Franklin K252, had been used in the Weeran program. Beautifully quiet, with excellent indexing, growth, calving ease, scrotal and structure. ‘A very impressive overall package’ said Alec Moore.

Volume buyers included repeat clients Bellkella, Nareen Station, Tooma Station and The Hummocks. The bulls were sold into three states being NSW, South Australia and across Victoria.
The stand out reference sires in the sale included Sydgen Enhance averaging $15,000 for four sons, home bred sire Weeran Joel with 9 sons averaging $13,000, Baldridge Compass with 4 sons averaging $12,750, Lawsons Momentous averaging $12,333 with 6 sons, and Weeran Hooper averaging $11,364 with 11 sons.

Guest auctioneer was Brian Leslie and Kerr and Co settled the sale.
10th October 2021


Autumn Beef Week Field Day

Wednesday 29th January 2025

Autumn Bull Sale

Tuesday 25th February 2025 @ 1pm
p1120676_0 Lot 2 - K186 lot-30-vhwr238_a20i8220 lot-31-q433-by-weeran-n80-a15i1187-edit
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