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Reference Sires Ticking The Boxes At Weeran

The season across Western Victoria has been so challenging for many, with everybody needing to put different management strategies in place to get through. For us we have used containment feeding for the first time, and we are very happy with the results. The ewe flock were all put into containment paddocks, with a supplementary feeding regime that was well managed by the Weeran team. Gibberellic acid was sprayed on the paddocks to trigger extra growth, which grew a small wedge of feed for the ewes to now go onto following lamb marking. A large number of cows were placed on the back flats to rest a large area of the property. Bringing in feed has been a constant throughout the period, but the livestock are in good health following the driest two seasons we have experienced in our time farming at Byaduk. Going forward we will tweak our containment feeding, but we have learnt a lot, and it will become a practice we do in the future.

For our Seedstock production side of the business, we are excited with our reference sires who kicked goals for us at our last sale. Landfall Mainland, Connamara P64, Witherswood Bronc, Dunoon Quambatook and Lawsons Momentum Q85, who all continue to deliver with sons in this upcoming Spring sale.

We have two new sires in this sale. Sterling Pacific has been used widely across the industry in 169 herds. He has a very nice performance profile with massive growth, very feed efficient with excellent carcase weight and a good IMF. Waitara Quidditch was purchased in syndication with Twin Oaks, NZ. He is producing meaty, consistent, calving ease bulls. He is a square hipped, thick butted son of GAR Phoenix, with an excellent temperament.

We will be offering two age groups, being 2 year old and 18 month old bulls. The Spring sale group is where we sell our highest performing young bulls that have been used in our own joining program. With the advent of genomic sire identification, we have naturally mated all our heifers (autumn and spring) to multisire matings, using our best young bulls. This gives a fast and economical pregnancy rate and is extremely successful for calving ease, and an excellent experience for the heifers first calving.

The catalogue is packed with calving ease, with some real punch in the growth and carcass departments which will deliver value. They are a quality line of bulls that we are very proud of said Weeran Principal, Alec Moore.

We will be offering 67 bulls on Tuesday 3rd September at 1pm. Our Bull Inspection day will be held on Tuesday 27th August at 10am to 4pm which gives everybody an opportunity to inspect the bulls in a relaxed environment without the pressure of sale day.

For further information, contact Alec and Jo Moore 0429 787 258

3rd August 2024


Autumn Beef Week Field Day

Wednesday 29th January 2025

Autumn Bull Sale

Tuesday 25th February 2025 @ 1pm
lot_3_0m0a6495 Lot 10 - K378 img_9312_0 p1120853
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