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Outstanding New Reference Sires at Weeran Angus

The Weeran Angus program has welcomed new performance sires into the mix for the 2024 bull selling season and it’s always so interesting watching their performance, grading up their calves and watching their influence on the Weeran herd.  We are pretty chuffed with the progeny we have coming through and excited to be selling some of their first Weeran sons at our forthcoming sale.  

Our 52nd Bull Sale will be held on Tuesday 27th February @ 1pm. The bulls are a combination of both phenotype and performance.  We will be offering two age groups with a line of 18 month old bulls, and a line of 2 year old bulls. 

In particular, Landfall Mainland TFAQ494 who was purchased in syndication with Bull Oak Well and Mandayen in 2021, is an outstanding New Ground son.  Excellent type, with perfect structure, who displayed fantastic athleticism.  His sons have graded up beautifully on the Genetic Type Summary, with many being graded an overall 7 or 6 by Dick Whale of IBMS which is such a compliment to the sire. He has been genomic tested, along with Neogen Igenity Testing for the hard to measure traits, where he had exceptional results for tenderness and marbling. 

He is a calving ease bull with an exceptional growth curve, being in the top 6% for all growth ebv’s, top 2% fertility, top 3% carcase weight, and top 2% EMA with good indexing.  10 herds have used Mainland by ai, and it will be very interesting to follow his progeny.   Here at Weeran he is ticking a lot of boxes. 

Our second sire, Connamara VHGP64, a Twinhearts son out of the Hill family Connamara Stud, at Ruffy has freakishly good data.  An elite next generation APR sire for the beef industry.  Elite weight gain with all growth ebv’s in the top 1% for the industry along with carcase weight, with fantastic IMF and EMA.  Definitely a stress free calving ease son.  Selection indexes top 1%.  He is also a great outcross option.

Dunoon Quambatook BHRQ317 is easy on the eye with an excellent phenotype.  A Dunoon Numurkah son out of the very popular Dunoon Beeac female family line.  A fabulous ebv profile ticking every box!  Calving ease, growth, fertility, docility, feed efficiency, carcase, retail beef yield, structure and indexing!!! His progeny is also grading up extremely well.  

Myers Fair-N-Square who was brought into the program to improve body shape and feed efficiency, has produced cattle which are as thick as a bluestone block, and yield for carcase weight & retail beef yield which surpasses expectation.  Also fantastic results with the Igenity Testing for Average Daily Gain, Yearling Weight and Carcase Weight. 

In addition to these sires, we also have sons in the sale by Lawson Momentum Q85, Baldridge Compass, SS Brickyard, Weeran Q Douglas Q15, Witherswood Bronc, Weeran Rubble R13 and Weeran Rocker R4.

There are a large number of embryos in the sale which have come through from the elite cows we have purchased from a number of dispersal sales and have put into our ET program.  It is fabulous to see so many have proven their genetics by making bull sale quality.  A very pleasing result.

Temperament is absolutely paramount.  We are constantly hearing from clients what quiet cattle the Weeran Angus program produces – both bulls and breeders!  Something we are very proud of.

We have a full set of performance records on the entire herd at Weeran Angus which goes back 51 years! As a member of Angus Australia also for 51 years, we have been very committed to our performance recording!  Weighing every calf at birth, regular weights, scans, semen testing, and grading.  We do it all!!  Genomics is giving the most accurate information for each bull, and the information we are presenting shows true integrity in our program!  Sire Verification is something we are very proud of.  Every animal can be traced back and verified to its sire.  Important to look for Sire Verified Catalogues! 

 We have been working with Dick Whale on The Neogen Igenity Genomic Test, which is measuring 17 different traits to complement current Breedplan data. This testing records results on a 1-10 scoring system, and the data is validated by the International Genetics Solutions database which consists of over 23 million head. Stayability, Carcase tenderness and actual carcase marbling are of particular interest, along with feed efficiency.  With the feedlot traits average daily gain, residual feed intake, and the carcase traits marbling, HSCW, EMA, and rib fat, this system has a very high correlation in excess of 90% with animals tested and followed through to the rail.  The stayability of females, the eating experience with marbling and tenderness, and feed intake and efficiency are all so important for the future of our beef industry.

Come and visit us for Beef Week on Saturday 3rd February, and let us show you our sale team!  If you would like any additional information, please contact Alec & Jo Moore on 0429 787 258.  Follow the Weeran Angus program on Facebook and Instagram for sale updates.

9th January 2024.   


Autumn Beef Week Field Day

Wednesday 29th January 2025

Autumn Bull Sale

Tuesday 25th February 2025 @ 1pm
img_9670 Lot 9 VHWL338 Lot 58 - M256 Lot 11 - K173
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